Want to know our story?

The gist: two best friends trying to have as many hobbies as our husbands and help women find joy and fulfillment outside of work and family.
Our Origin Story

We’re Erin and Tam, two millennial moms in our late 30s with a big problem: our toddlers are becoming more independent, and suddenly, we have a tiny bit of free time—emphasis on tiny!

But here’s the catch: we have no idea how to use it. After watching our husbands juggle multiple hobbies, we’ve realized that what we need is a hobby of our own.

Why don’t we have one? Why do they have seven and we don’t even have one? Let’s figure it out together!

Tune in each week to The Art of Hobbyness as we start from scratch to find our perfect hobby. We’ll explore and try out different hobbies, all while sharing some fun millennial mom commentary along the way.

Behind the Scenes